Friday, November 03, 2006


This was going to be a post of great eloquence or understated simplicity. Perhaps I would post only a picture of our new home, nestled amongst trees beside the Farmington River. Perhaps I would pour out some of the intense emotional struggle I experienced living more away from than with my family for three months. Perhaps I would share some of the humorous remarks from our kids as they make their way into a new home, town and life once again with a family of four.

Instead I will share only this--we dropped our daughter off for kindergarten at her new school five minutes late. (Insert the "we suck" line here, or delete if the word offends you!) Despite setting an alarm, hustling everyone through the house, driving down the street with frosty windows (yes, I know how dangerous it is not to defrost!!!) and skipping breakfast for the adults, we were still late. And like all aspects of this crazy story of jobs and moves and changes, our lateness was somehow just the key. After pulling a reticent five year old through the halls of her new school yesterday, today there was no time to think or hold back or resist. We rushed down the hall to her classroom, hung her coat and backpack on her hook, gave her a pat and pointed her toward her new friends already seated on the rug. No time for tears, last hugs, or even a picture with the camera I had so dutifully carried in. We were late....or just on time.


Kara said...

welcome back. that story made me really sad.

Kristen said...

I'm so glad you're all together again. I can imagine it will take some time for things not to feel rushed and stressful...I'll be thinking of Kyra today. I know change is difficult for her sometimes.

Anonymous said...

First days are emotionally difficult. I was 'dismissed' by Heather as we started up the sidewalk towards school..and in Oak Lawn, both of us accompanied you, to the school where Heather already attended. In a strange sort of way you were 'not late, but rather on time.' I'M just so so happy you are all together again every day and love you dearly.

Anonymous said...

Hooray - welcome home! What a journey, and what a joy to say you've come through it with strength. I'm so very happy you now can begin to put down your roots. On behalf of Don and kids, I wish you God's richest blessings as you can now look forward to the joys that lie ahead. Glad you're back! :)