Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas Vacation

While I've never hidden how delightfully "low brow" my family's sense of entertainment is, the Christmas holidays and our associated rituals bring us to new lows. Case in point....I actually felt a twinge of disappointment when my brother-in-law said he was bringing a rib roast for Christmas Eve dinner, replacing for this year only my decades-old family tradition of roasting hot dogs over an open fire (or in the microwave when there's no open fire or the kids are too hungry to wait!). No worries--we simply ate the hot dogs for lunch that day!

Another favorite Christmas ritual? We always gather together to watch the movie "Christmas Vacation." We laugh until tears roll out of our eyes, each year exclaiming, "I don't know if it's funny or sad that this feels so true!" Well, with Christmas 2006 behind us, I can say that Christmas Vacation is sad indeed when it really is true. After delighting in our roast, we woke Christmas morning to the unexpected death of a beloved pet, and only days later to the news of a family member's lost job and related lost year-end bonus. Ugh....the movies come to life are never terribly entertaining.

Here's hoping 2007 brings a little less change in our home, and a little more peace and happiness for all....


Carmen San Diego said...

We watch the Christmas Vacation while we put up our tree each year. Love that movie. Know it by heart now. I'm sorry to hear about the all the bad news. Hope 2007 is better for you.

Anonymous said...

While we laugh at life in film, there is a reality in our laughing which is bittersweet. I have missed your blogs, yet rejoice in the gift of new life that is mine..The couple met on the Boardwalk on New Year's morning whom I hadn't seen in months..."we were told you were dead." at which point I laughed uncontrollably.
Grampa Peter

Anonymous said...

There must be something about "Christmas Vacation" -- Don bought it and we watched it for the first time in many years. While it was definitely a good "escape" (happy tears and all) -- and a great source for a sermon illustration for Don! -- I can definitely relate to the feeling of dashed expectations. So incredibly sorry to hear of the not-so-fun happenings in your family! Seems like our 2007 is already heating up to be quite a doozy too (just 3 days into it). Life can be so "unreal" sometimes, huh? Time for another phone call chat, girl! :)

Kristen said...

Man, we missed Christmas Vacation and another funny Christmas movie we usually watch, I think it's called A Christmas Story - the one with the Red Rider Gun. We did watch It's a Wonderful Life, though...while we wrapped presents at the very last minute on Christmas Eve. Oy.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget!